
chapter 4

Jonathan wakes up next morning not knowing how he got there but, later presumes that he may have been brought by Count. He begins to notice small things like unwinded watch and folded clothes. This could mean that Count might have done this so that Jonathan may think that last night was just his vicious imagination. Then Jonathan begins to think the the very room that he is in right now is kind of like a sanctuary to him as nothing can be as dangerous as the three ladies he met last night.
He pays a second visit to the room,but, this time in a broad daylight. But, to his surprise he finds the door forcefully closed. He remembers Count asking him to write three fakes letters which he couldn`t oppose because he knows Count`s powers over him. The three fake dates that Count gave him to write in the letters gives Jonathan a faint hint on his death date.
He secretly passes his letters to Szany and signals them to post it but fears that Count may find out about Jonathan`s knowledge about Count. Next morning Jonathan finds all of his belongings gone including his notes, scrap papers, overcoat. Then he saw a man wearing his coat and heading to town. This could mean that Count may want to show other people that Jonathan was safe in Translyvania.He later follows a cry and finds a distressed woman asking for her child.

He then begins to make a theory that Count may sleep in the day which explains why he haven`t seen Count in daylight - ever. Now he wants to go and have a peek into Count`s room and even succeeds but finds nothing but old furniture that barely seems to have been used. Then he follows a door and ends up in an old chapel where Count laid - dead or asleep. He wants to clear his confusion and tries to find life in that body,but, to his shock finds no life in him and fleds away from there. Later Count tells him to go tommorow but Jonathan insists on going today and to his surprise Count opens all the doors. But, he thinks again and listens to Count and decides to leave tommorow.
A desperate man does eveything in his limits and even over it. And, Jonathan proves this by going to the Count`s coffin again and searching for the key to his eternal freedom from the demon`s castle. He then grows a strong desire to finish this monster from the face of the earth and hits him with the shovel and tries to runs away from there but fails. Then greed gets him and he wants to get the gold in Count`s room and escape from there and not be in the same castle as those bloodthirsty monsters.

1 comment:

  1. Good summary. How did you find this chapter? Which part did you think was particularly effective? How is Stoker gradually narrowing down the options to emphasise the degree of entrapment?
